I realized a few months ago that I had a problem. I was getting nasty migraines and couldn't figure out what was causing them. I knew they were food related and I thought I had taken everything out of my diet that could be the culprit.
I have a background as a chef and most especially a baker. That means sugar is a food group all by itself.
I had been eating healthy for 16 years but still ate a good amount of sugar. I guess I figured since I was home baking it was better. One day I was teaching a bunch of home school teenagers how to make English Trifle. This really is one of my top 10 desserts. The base is freshly made pastry cream which I seriously could eat a gallon. After the class was over and the teens left I made myself a bowl of pastry cream with fruit on top. YUM! Well, two hours later I didn't feel so hot and the next morning woke up at 3 a.m. with a raging migraine.
It hit me. Sugar. Oh no! The next two days were a fog of pain and a lot of soul searching. I thought back to the last few migraines and knew they were all sugar related. I taught 30-Days to Fit. I want to be healthy myself. And I was poisoning myself with sugar on a daily basis.
That day I decided to do 30-Days to Fit totally and completely. Up to then I picked at it. Thinking that I was already pretty healthy except for those darn migraines. Yes, stupid!
So I went full force on the plan. No gluten, no sugar, no dairy, etc. I haven't had one migraine since. In fact I have been eating things I previously thought might have caused the migraines with no ill effects. I've not even had a twinge of a headache.
If you are not feeling 100% then I'm asking you what are you eating? Something in your diet is poisoning you.
By the way, the two weeks off of sugar was NOT fun! I was exhausted and dragging my sorry self around. I got a nasty headache, which I knew was my body going waaa-waaa where is my sugar. Instead of giving it what it wanted, what I really wanted, I drank a lot of water, drank the Herbal Detox tea and on the second week, did a 7-Day Body Cleanse detox. By the end of the second week I felt better than I ever did on any sugar high.
And best of all, I wrote the above about the pastry cream and I didn't run to the kitchen to make some. In fact, I didn't even salivate or think about having it at all. My cravings are GONE!
So give yourself two weeks before you cave into your cravings. Muscle through the detox that your body will go through. Then take stock of how you feel. I realized that my joints didn't hurt anymore. My neck pain was gone. I really had a lot more energy over all.
What else is sugar doing to you?
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