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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Get Your Head In The Game


Anyone can do anything for 30 days.  It's true.  Even you.  Even me.  30 days builds a new habit and lets you try it on for size enough to know whether you want to keep it or not.  

This applies to anything.  Want to do better at brushing your teeth?  Do it consistently for 30 days and after that it won't be something you even think about, you will just do it.

Want to be more even-tempered?  Work to not snap at anyone for 30 days.  After that it won't be so much work and people around you will be so thankful.

Want to get healthy?  Find a plan that makes sense and do it for 30 days.  Your body will tell you to just keep doing it.  You'll feel better, have more energy and look better, too.

So get your head in the game.  Decide.  Yup, that's what it takes - a decision.  You deciding to do something different.  

Have you decided?  I mean really decided.  Choose which path you want for the rest of your life.  Health and vitality.  Energy to do the things you want to do.  Or the opposite.  Make the choice and decide to do what it takes to make it happen.

We can all do anything we set our minds to do.  We are all busy.  Seriously I don't know one person who isn't busy.  As my husband, Tom, likes to say we put 10 pounds of flour in a 5 pound sack.  We all do it, every day, every week.  So putting that aside and just assuming that you are one of those busy people, now what? 

Do you allow your busy life to run your life?  Or do you make a choice and a decision to get healthy in spite of your life.  Knowing that being busy you need to be healthy even more.

So look yourself in the mirror and take a good look.  Yes, you are nice to look at but that isn't what I mean.  Look at yourself and think about how you want to look and feel 5 years from now.  10, 20, 30 years from now.  The choices you make today will either support or defeat that future self.  

It's much harder to reverse damage to your body than to prevent it in the first place.  

So make the choice and the decision TODAY to, from this moment forward, be healthy!

This blog will hopefully help in some small way.  

Success tips, recipes, testimonials and more to support your goal of getting healthy! 

Welcome to 30 Days to Fit!  

It's cheesy but welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!  


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